Images of the Beyond

I started dabbling in astrophotography as a side interest, with just my dob and a digital camera. I progressed onto a dob with a ToUcam, and now i'm using my dob on an EQ platform and the ToUcam.

Astrophotography still isn't my main interest, but I like to be able to share what I see and photography is one way to do this. Check out my astrophotography equipment page for the tools I use.

Check the sections below for my work to-date, but I don't update these images as often as I should. My "to the minute" latest stuff will always be posted in the IceInSpace Forums before they get updated here.

Our closest celestial neighbour, and still one of the prettiest sights in the night sky!
The centre of our solar system, the bringer of life and the source of some amazing sunspots, flares and other activity!
There's nothing better than getting a clear, crisp view of our neighbours with details that make the jaw drop!
Deep Space
If it's not in our Solar System, then you'll find it in here! Images from the deep dark reaches of space.
Wide Field
Using the camera alone, these wide field shots of star fields, constellations etc really show how pretty the sky can be.
Other Astro
These attempts at arty type shots might not be as awesome as a close-up of Saturn, but there's still beauty in simplicity.
Non Astro
These pictures are my attempt at arty type shots of non-astronomical related objects. It's where I get to play photographer :)
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