IceInSpace turns 4 years old!

Hi all

I'm really pleased to announce that IceInSpace celebrates its birthday today, turning 4 years old! It's yet another fantastic milestone reached by our great community, and continues to show the strength and loyalty of everyone who makes up IceInSpace.

That's not just me and Terry, or the moderators. It's every one of you that helps to play a part in making IceInSpace what it is today. Everyone who visits the site, reads the forums, posts questions and posts answers, posts your images and contributes content to the site. If it wasn't for all of you, IceInSpace wouldn't still be here 4 years on, as strong as we are today.

What started 4 years ago as a little home on the internet, has grown so much - has exceed all of the expectations we had back then about what we hoped to achieve with IceInSpace. Our goals and vision have grown since then and now we have a grander vision for what we want to achieve with this great site; what we want to offer in a website to the astronomical community around the world.

We have a great number of plans in motion and on the drawing board, and hope to bring some new features to you over the next 3-6 months.

At this time of year, we usually celebrate with a birthday quiz. Hopefully you already know that the birthday quiz has been moved back a few weeks to coincide with IISAC2008.

IISis4 will begin on the 10th October, and the prizes will be drawn at IISAC2008 on the 1st November.

Please check the official IISis4 thread for more.

Terry and I would like to extend our thanks to the moderators, who do such a great job and are such great friends. They keep things ticking along and running smoothly and you hardly ever notice they're there. Which is what a moderator should be.

Thanks again to the community for your contributions to IceInSpace, and together we will continue to grow and shape amateur astronomy in our region.

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