Check out our Articles and Reviews!

If you've only recently discovered IceInSpace, you may not yet have had a chance to browse our comprehensive list of user-contributed articles and reviews!

If you check out the Projects and Articles page, you'll find a vast number of how-to home projects, tutorials and guides, astrophotography tips and tricks, observing reports, upcoming celestial events and more. Plenty there suitable for beginners and experienced amateur astronomers.

The Equipment Reviews section has reviews for telescopes, astrophotography gear including cameras, accessories, eyepieces, binoculars, mounts and software. If you're looking to purchase a new or second hand telescope, it's a great place to start to see what others in the community have to say about it.

Very few of these articles would exist without the fabulous IceInSpace community contributing them for the benefit of others - sharing their knowledge so others can learn.

If you've got something you think you'd like to share, we'd love to hear from you. Please don't think it won't be good enough - just imagine you'll be talking to other amateur astronomers just like you. Please get in touch via our Contributing to IceInSpace page.

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