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Old 21-06-2009, 04:26 PM
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astroron (Ron)
Supernova Searcher

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Originally Posted by ausastronomer View Post
Hi Paul and all,

I am in the process of making some corrections to the data in the list. I have also deleted a couple of duplications and rounded the list out to exactly "600" targets. I am also adding a lot of target information that was not included in the original list. So far it has taken me about 2 weeks to check and update the data for 400 of the 600 targets. I have added quite a bit of additional data on a lot of the targets. The updated list will be a lot more accurate, contain a lot more information and be more useful.

I will have this finished in a week or two. Those corrections will make it easier to import the list into everything, including Astro Planner, Sky Tools and Argo Navis. The finalised revised list, with appropriate files for Argo Navis, Sky Tools and Astroplanner will then be uploaded as an observing resource and an observing challenge to the IIS forum. If you could all be patient for a week or two, everyone will then have a correct revised version of the list to work with and available for downloading in the resources section of IIS, including all the observing software files.

John B
Thanks for the update John
Look forward to it when it arrives
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