I purchased this product as a GOTO finder for my other scopes. The tripod is to short for the telescope it came with. So I modified my short tube 80mm with Crazy Glue as a replacement. However, I am very happy to use the scope it came with as a grab and go with my Skywatcher AZ-4 mount/tripod. It is a 80mm F11 that gives me 200 mag on the moon.
I tried the three star alignment but I always would get a failed message. Using one star worked but only with objects on that star's side of the sky. So I balanced the tripod and used two stars 180 degrees from each other. BINGO the two star alignment with a balanced tripod worked. I was able to find M13, Alberio, and Andromeda galaxy using a Meade 32mm plossl.
This LCM is a winner if you have a short tube scope or longer tripod as replacements.