This image has been such an annoyance capture and process, between some poor data management last year, clouds this year, and some difficult (for me) post processing hurdles, I've managed to put 158 hrs of data into this image.
The Helix Nebula is one of those surprisingly complex Deep Sky Objects. On the surface, it is incredibly easy to shoot - it's large, bright, and fairly easy to get a great image with only a few hours of integration; However a bit more integration time reveals the existence of a quite extensive and very faint outer Ha shell. The near 60hrs of Ha data in my image only just starts to hint at what I believe to be the full extent of this outer shell.
As Always, C&C is very welcome, especially on this image, as I'm not 100% on board with the current processing.
Be sure to check it out on Astrobin!
Thanks for looking, and Clear Skies!