Hey all,
I haven't been able to observe the Veil Nebula last new moon and I'm not sure whether it's even realistic from my location.
I'm in a Bortle 4ish but Melbourne is to my north west, so Cygnus hits the city light dome about 5 degrees before transit. Typically, in those skies, I normally observe faint fuzzies before they cross the meridian if they are fairly low lying (one such example would be the Markarian chain though it's higher up in the sky)
I'm hoping to have more opportunities next new moon but would love to hear of any tips you might have to observe faint objects that are fairly low on the horizon (15-20 degrees). Filter wise my options are UHC or CLS as I don't have an OIII yet.
For example, does it make a difference if I observe over woods vs grasslands?
Also, I'm observing with either my 4" refractor or 16" dob.
Thanks in advance for any insights